Wednesday, September 30, 2009

“Unlimit Yourself!” Does 1+1 really = 2?

“Unlimit Yourself!”

What is 1+1? Like the MetroPCS slogan says, I’d like you to… “Unlimit Yourself!” I’d like you to temporarily release yourself of the notion that 1+1=2 and 1+2=3, etc.

Relatively speaking this is correct but I’d like to take you to the realm of the absolute; into the realm of endless possibilities where 1+1 is only 1! How? Imagine being the one person in an all white room. Place a magical mirror in the room for this person to see themselves; they will of course ONLY see 1 of him or her Self. Place 2 (or more) of those mirrors, in different color, age, size and shape variances, there will still be the ONLY 1 person in the room. Therefore, I’ll repeat the question, what is 1+1?

If you make believe – which we have, that there is more than one of us in the room of our planet, we have disillusioned or disappointed ourselves, greatly, with the magical mirror of relative smoke. Science has illustrated how we as human beings are merely like refractions of each other. Likeness is generally used to mean "similar to, looks like, appears to be" - paraphrasing the Bible 'made in the likeness of God.'

Imogene (Igomene)
Image, Likeness Gender: Fe(male)
Origin: Latin

Here it may refer to the fact of having free will, but it appears even more that it means we are built to create: creativity is the spark we've gotten from God that no animal so far has shown. In this way we are 'like' our creator. It can also relate to a painting or drawing of a human. I love this quote: “Science is not a mechanism but a human progress, and not a set of findings but the search for them.” 2000 The Estate of Jacob Bronowski. Having said that, I have progressed to understand how We Are All One.

We are all one!

My favorite author and spiritual messeger, Neale Donald Walsch said,
“These four words summarize the 3,000+ pages of dialogue in the CwG texts better than anything else that I could say. If we could find a way to cause these words to become the mantra of our world, to have them embraced by every society and culture, we would end all suffering, all wars, all class struggles, all hunger and violence, and all poverty on this planet – just as we do in our own families.

No family would let a member die of hunger. No family, except a severely dysfunctional family, would use violence among its members to solve the difference that arise within it. The human family is severely dysfunctional. We all belong to the same species, yet we treat each other as if our interests are not mutual. We ignore each other and let each other suffer, we fight with each other and kill each other. Yet, to be fair, that is only one side of the coin. We also care for each other and help each other. We work with each other and cooperate with each other and stand with each other in times of calamity and stress.

I am issuing an invitation now for us to stand with each other again. And this time, forever, not just for the moment. This time, all of us, not just some of us. Humanity's Team is working hard to create a way for us to do so. This global organization seeks only to send – and encourage others to send – a single message:
We are all one!

Our "Snail Mail" address is:
Humanity's Team P.O. Box 58
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522, USA
For general Teammate queries, you can reach us at +1-206-922-2041.

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